. . . is vitally important for quality of movement. Connection gives the dancer control, power, balance, and stability. One of the primary keys to maintaining control is the connection between the feet and the floor.
When transferring weight, the standing foot helps shift the weight to the receiving foot. The Hip Lift Technique requires never to push or release weight completely off the back foot too quickly. Early release of pressure from the ball of the back foot loses connection to the floor causing lack of power, control, and stability. The Hip Lift Technique uses a connection caused by use of split weight (50/50) between the standing foot and receiving foot giving the dancer a feeling of center balance.
This delay clarifies timing without losing speed and gives the dancer the necessary control when moving onto each step. To achieve greater control and understand how to use a (50/50) connection to the floor when shifting weight, order your Hip Lift Technique videos to achieve greater control and understand how to use a (50/50) connection to the floor when shifting weight.
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